Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ include | |
▼ caffe | |
► layers | |
absval_layer.hpp | |
accuracy_layer.hpp | |
argmax_layer.hpp | |
base_conv_layer.hpp | |
base_data_layer.hpp | |
batch_norm_layer.hpp | |
batch_reindex_layer.hpp | |
bias_layer.hpp | |
bnll_layer.hpp | |
concat_layer.hpp | |
contrastive_loss_layer.hpp | |
conv_layer.hpp | |
crop_layer.hpp | |
cudnn_conv_layer.hpp | |
cudnn_lcn_layer.hpp | |
cudnn_lrn_layer.hpp | |
cudnn_pooling_layer.hpp | |
cudnn_relu_layer.hpp | |
cudnn_sigmoid_layer.hpp | |
cudnn_softmax_layer.hpp | |
cudnn_tanh_layer.hpp | |
data_layer.hpp | |
deconv_layer.hpp | |
dropout_layer.hpp | |
dummy_data_layer.hpp | |
eltwise_layer.hpp | |
elu_layer.hpp | |
embed_layer.hpp | |
euclidean_loss_layer.hpp | |
exp_layer.hpp | |
filter_layer.hpp | |
flatten_layer.hpp | |
hdf5_data_layer.hpp | |
hdf5_output_layer.hpp | |
hinge_loss_layer.hpp | |
im2col_layer.hpp | |
image_data_layer.hpp | |
infogain_loss_layer.hpp | |
inner_product_layer.hpp | |
input_layer.hpp | |
log_layer.hpp | |
loss_layer.hpp | |
lrn_layer.hpp | |
lstm_layer.hpp | |
memory_data_layer.hpp | |
multinomial_logistic_loss_layer.hpp | |
mvn_layer.hpp | |
neuron_layer.hpp | |
parameter_layer.hpp | |
pooling_layer.hpp | |
power_layer.hpp | |
prelu_layer.hpp | |
python_layer.hpp | |
recurrent_layer.hpp | |
reduction_layer.hpp | |
relu_layer.hpp | |
reshape_layer.hpp | |
rnn_layer.hpp | |
scale_layer.hpp | |
sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_layer.hpp | |
sigmoid_layer.hpp | |
silence_layer.hpp | |
slice_layer.hpp | |
softmax_layer.hpp | |
softmax_loss_layer.hpp | |
split_layer.hpp | |
spp_layer.hpp | |
tanh_layer.hpp | |
threshold_layer.hpp | |
tile_layer.hpp | |
window_data_layer.hpp | |
► util | |
benchmark.hpp | |
blocking_queue.hpp | |
cudnn.hpp | |
db.hpp | |
db_leveldb.hpp | |
db_lmdb.hpp | |
device_alternate.hpp | |
format.hpp | |
hdf5.hpp | |
im2col.hpp | |
insert_splits.hpp | |
io.hpp | |
math_functions.hpp | |
mkl_alternate.hpp | |
nccl.hpp | |
rng.hpp | |
signal_handler.h | |
upgrade_proto.hpp | |
blob.hpp | |
caffe.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
data_transformer.hpp | |
filler.hpp | |
internal_thread.hpp | |
layer.hpp | |
layer_factory.hpp | |
net.hpp | |
parallel.hpp | |
sgd_solvers.hpp | |
solver.hpp | |
solver_factory.hpp | |
syncedmem.hpp | |